Monday, February 15, 2021



The output unit contains many devices used to receive the result obtained by the processing and present it in the human readable form.
Output devices mainly produced two types-    1.  Soft copy output
                                                                                   2.  Hard copy output
Output devices are following-
1.                  Monitor
2.                  Printer
3.                  Speaker
4.                  Earphone
5.                  Projectors

Monitor is an output device, we can get our output on a TV like screen, it is commonly classified as- Monochrome, Gray-scale, and color.
  • Monochrome is designed, from “Mono” which means “single” and “Chrome” means “color” which means single color monochrome monitor are single color monitor like a black and white TV.
  • Gray-scale monitors are special types of monochrome monitors for displaying output in different gray shades.
  • Color monitors can give output as a combination of RGB [Red, Green, and Blue] radiations. If a computer has sufficient memory a color monitor can present variety of colors ranging from 16 to 1, 60, 000, 00 colors.
CRT Monitors
Most monitors are based on “Picture tube elements” like a television set. This tube is known as “Cathode Ray Tube”. CRT technology is cheaper and capable of presenting high quality colored outputs.

Flat-Panel Monitors
Recently a new technology in display devices has been developed. In this technology charged chemical gases adopt various chemical configurations to create images on the screen these are called flat-panel display. This device is light in weight and consumes comparatively less electricity. This device is mainly used in laptop computers.
Flat-panel monitor also have LCD technology which means Liquid Crystal Display.
The two more technology in flat-panel display is Gas plasma display [GPD] and Electro Luminescent Display or ELD. Both of these technologies GPD and ELD have better and high quality resolution but these are costlier too.

Printer is an output device, which prints the output on the paper. The output on the paper in printed form is called “HARD COPY”. The digital signal sent from computer are converted to natural languages like Hindi, English etc. and then printed on paper by printer so that human being can understand.
            Printer can be classified on the basis of variety but on the basis of printing technology, they are mainly categorized in two classes-
  1. Impact Printer
  2. Non Impact Printer
Impact Printer
This printer type resembles with the printing by a type writer. In this type of printer, a metallic hammer or a print head strikes on paper and ribbon to print characters. For examples- Dot matrix, Daisy wheel, Chain printer etc.

Non Impact Printer
In this type printing method there is no direct striking between print head and paper. For Examples- Inkjet printer, laser jet printer etc.

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