Thursday, February 11, 2021




Computers are most powerful tools the man has ever created. They are being used in every part of our life & play important role in our day to day life. It has become essential for all of us to know what a computer is and how its works.

Definition of Computer

  • Computer is a high speed data processing electronic device, which takes raw data as input and after processing it gives us meaningful result as output.
  • Computer is an electronic machine by which arithmetic & logical processing can be done at the faster speed than human.
  • Computer is an electronic device which can converts raw data in to a meaningful  data by giving programming instruction step by step to obey and respect a logical solution to the problems.
  • Computer is an electronic device which can converts raw data into meaningful data.

[Raw data-A set of letters or a letter which has no meanings.]

Computer can do

  • It performs complex calculations rapidly with high accuracy.
  • It can store a large amount of date and information.
  • It can make decisions. It can provide information to the user.
  • It can draw and print graph. 

Feature of Computer

  • The salient features of a computer are-
  • Computers are fast and accurate it instructed properly.
  • They have infinite memory and it occupies very small space.
  • They can perform routine operations by giving simple instructions and don’t change output every time as in the case human beings.
  • They are not affected by emotional factor.
  • They are diligent.

Characteristics of Computer

Following are important characteristics of Computer-

1. Speed

     Computer has ability to perform routine tasks at a greater speed than human beings. They can perform complex calculations in seconds. Most modern computer performs millions of operation in a second. Due to high speed of computers. They are used in wide variety of applications. Due to high speed of computers they are used in wide variety of applications.

2. Storage

     Computer has a large storage capacity. Computer can store around millions and billions of words. Computer stores every bit of information on secondary storage device. Because of the fact that computers can store large amounts of data and retrieve the same of high speed. They have become very popular.

3. Accuracy

     Computers are accurate. They do not mistake in calculations. In Case, We want to calculate the multiplication of two 10 digit numbers. We may take a lot of time and there. Could be several changes of mistakes and miscalculations. But computers easily carry out any kind of operation whether arithmetic or logical.

4. Versatility

    Computers are very versatility. Computers are capable of performing almost any task is reduced in to series of logical steps.

    5. Diligence

Computer is a machine and it does not suffer from tiredness. In some applications, such as bank, Computers are used 24 hours a day & 365 days a    year, continuously without any problem.

Fundamental uses of Computers

In modern times, Computer has become an essential element. Every day in the world is influenced by computer whether he is a president of a nation, a clerk or a common man neither a national census activity of a nation nor effective railway reservation system can be done without computers, accurately. Universities and educational Institutions prepare mark sheet of student in minimum possible time with the help of computers. Many organizations rely totally on the computers for their day to day activity. Banks are controlling their transactions, using computers accurately and efficiently. Telecommunications are fully computerized. Daily TV serials and other programs are edited using computers and transmitted to us by satellite which is also a computer regulated device.

India is a developing country and facing lot of economic problems such as unemployment. But computers and related technologies have opened a lot of opportunities in India.

          Uses of computer in different fields are being discussed as follows-

1. Household and personal use                      

(1) In kitchen                                       (2) In cars (computerized cars)

(3) Computerized house                    (4) Personal robot servants

2. Computer in Education                             

(1) Learning about Computer            (2) Computer as a teacher

(3) Problem solving                             (4) E-education by computer

(5) Online examination by computer

3. Computers in Entertainment                     

(1) Games                                            (2) Movies

(3) Music                                             (4) Arts & Graphics

4. Computers in Science & Medicine

            (1) Science                                           (2) Medicine 

Data, Processing & Information

What is Data? :-

Data is the collection of facts, Figure and Statistics, which can be processed to produce information.

(Example: - In the educational environment    data    can   be Name of Students, Roll No., Marks obtained and so on.)

What is processing? :-

Processing is the manipulation of the facts, figures & Statistics. In simple terms it is nothing but manipulation of data. Some of the information involved in Processing  is -   

1. Calculation:-            Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication etc.

2. Comparison: -          Equal to, Greater than, Less than, Zero, Positive, Negative

3. Decision: -               True or False

4. Logic

What is Information? :-

Information is data, which is summarized in the way you want it, so that is useful to you in your work.   


We know that human beings understand natural languages like Hindi, English and Tamil etc. But computer does not understand these languages. These only understand machine language, which is language of 0 and 1. Following are few categories of computer language:-                  

                        1. Machine Language/ Low level Language
                   2. Assembly Language
                   3. High level Language
Machine Language/ Low level Language:-
There are only one language understand by the computer without using a    translation program. This Language is called machine language or machine code of Computers. Machine code is the fundamental language of Computer and normally is written in binary form 0 & 1.
Assembly Language:-
In this language symbols are used in place of binary digits to give instruction to the Computer Assembly language is much easier to use than the machine language but as machine cannot understand this language. Some special programs are needed to translate these instructions in machine language. These programs are known as assembler.
High level Language:-
It is the language in which instruction are given to a Computer by using certain English words & Mathematical. While writing a program in a high level language and convert the instruction in machine code. But Computer cannot (directly) understand high level language. Few of these languages are -
            1. BASIC             (Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)
            2. COBOL           (Common Business Oriented Language)
            3. FORTRAN     (Formula Translator)
            4. C & C++

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