Friday, February 12, 2021

Devlopments of Computer

 Development of Computers

[1] The history of computers date back to 500 BC. When the Chinese invented a              calculating machine called ABACUS. ABACUS, a device of counting beads in              strings or rods, was used to calculate and store the immediate results of                       mental arithmetic. It is still used by the nursery class children for playing and           for learning to count.

[2]In 1614, John Napier developed a table called as Logarithm.

[3]In 1615, Henry Briggs improved the logarithm table with the base of 10.

[4]In 1617, Johan Napier developed a calculating device called as Napier’s bones             Scale.

[5]In 1620, Edmount Gunter, developed a calculating device named as slide                     rule (without moving scale)

[6]In 1632, William Oughtred improve slide rule with addition of moving Scales.

[7]In 1642, Blaise Pascal a French mathematician builds up first mechanical                 calculating machine named as “Pascaline”. It could perform simple Addition &         Subtraction.

[8]In 1671, (1694) Gottfried Wilhelm Von-Leibnitz improved the Pascal machine.           Which can also perform multiplication & division?

[9]In 1820, Thomas Decolmer builds up a machine which was mush smaller than           the Pascal & Leibnitz.

[10]In 1822, Charles Babbage (Also Called as father of computer) builds up the                 “Difference engine”. This was purely a mechanical machine consisting of gears         and shafts and driven by steam. Charles Babbage Difference Engine is the first         computer to be thought of. The Difference Engine was able to compute the                 values of a polynomial expression to six decimal digits. It was a special purpose         computing machine.

                In 1833, Charles Babbage build up the general purpose computing machine and more advanced than the Difference Engine, The new machine was  “Analytical Engine”. It was also a steam-driven calculator able to perform 60  decimals each, and to handle any type of calculations and other mathematical  problems.

        “Charles Babbage known as the father of modern Computer Science.”

[11] In 1890, Herman Hollerith build up a machine named as punch card machine.

[12] In 1944, Prof. Harvard University build up a first electro-mechanical computer         named as “Make-I”. It was a capable of carrying out one multiplication in 6                 seconds and a division in 12 Seconds.

[13] In 1945, John Vincent Atanosoff and Clifford Berry developed an electronic                 machine which was named ABC-Atanosoff Berry Computer this was the first             digital electronic Computer.

[14]During 1945-46, Johan William Mauchly and JP Eckert developed first general         purpose Electronic Computer at the University of Pennsylvania named as                    ENIAC, (Electronic Numeric Integrator & Computer).

[15]In 1949, M.V.Wikes a Professor of Cambridge University developed another               electronic Computer EDSAC. (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer)
[16]In 1950, another Electronic Computer EDVAC developed at University of                    Pennsylvania. (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer.)

[17]In 1915, The first commercial computer was developed by Lyons Electronic                Office computer named as “LEO”.

[18]In 1951, Universal Accounting Company developed a computer for accounting            named as UNIVAC – I.

[19]Form 1952-1980, IBM-701, IBM-1401, IBM-37, IBM-7090, was developed by             IBM. These are Micro Computers.

[Note-  In 1980, First super Computer was developed named as ILLIAC. RAM is the first super Computer developed INDIA.]

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