Friday, February 12, 2021



Computer is a multipurpose e machine and suited to almost all kinds of requirements. It is very difficult to classify them straight forward, therefore we classify it on the following based.
  • On the basis of Application
  • On the basis of Purpose
  • On the basis of Sizes
Classification of Computer On The Basis Of Application
(1)               Analog computer
(2)               Digital computer
(3)               Hybrid computer
These are computer which can work with continuously variable physical parameters   e.g. Pressure, Temperature, Length, voltage etc. Analog computers mainly being used in the field of science and engineering.
Digital Computer works with digits. The data in digital computer is represented in the tern of 0&1. Digital computer is actually for business purpose.
Hybrid computer contains the combination of all the good qualities of digital computers and Analog computer.
(Note-Hybrid Computer is used in medicine and surgery. The analog devices of computer mainly temperature and blood pressure and the digital parts convert them in numeric value. They jointly monitor the condition of the patient.)

Classification of Computer On The Basis Of Purpose
  • General Purpose Computer                             
  • Special Purpose Computer
General computer are designed to solve a wide range of problems. They are most widely used computer and can perform different types of processing. They are used for Designing, Mathematical Analysis, Payroll, Accounting, Game & Education etc.
Special purpose computer are specially designed to perform a specific tasks. This type of computer is used in the studios for music recording. This computer can be attached to various musical instruments and other devices. It can also edit the recorded music by inserting special effects. Similarly in film industry, Special purpose computers are used for film editing. Special purpose computer are used are as under-
1. Space exploration                4. Meteorology                        7. Traffic Control
2. Agriculture                           5. Satellite operations            8. Medicine & Surgery
3. Oceanography                     6. Engineering
Classification of Computer on Basis of Size
This classification has following categories-
  • Micro computer
  • Workstations
  • Mini computers
  • Main frame computers
  • Super computers
  • Embedded computer
Micro Computers
Micro computers are being used in homes offices and schools etc. They keep an eye on the house hold Budgets. Micro computer has only one CPU. At personal Micro computers are still under development. A book sized, A phone sized and even a    watch-sized computers are being developed. They are found in different sizes and forms as being discussed ahead-
1. Desktop computer
2. Laptop /Notebooks
3. Palmtop computers
Workstation are like Micro much powerful than those specially used for running complex programs. These are single user computer having a lot of feature of personal computers. These Powerful machines are greatly used by the scientists, engineers and other professionals they are very expensive.
Mini Computer
These are medium sized computers. They pass more work efficiency in comparison with Micro computers.
            Mini Computer is more expensive than a micro computer and more and one cannot thick of purchasing computers a mini computer for personal Use. These computers are generally useful for
Small or medium-Sized Computers. More than one person can Use this Computer at a time. [Following purposes- Emp. Payroll, Cost analysis, Sales supervision.
Main frame Computer
These are large computer with bigger storage capacity. These can store huge database and can also process the data with more speed.
            Mainframe can easily be attached to any network and even to micro computers. Mainframe are widely used by companies for the following purpose-
  1. To maintain customer details
  2. To maintain payment details
  3. To process bills
  4. To process Notices
  5. Employee’s payroll
  6. To maintained detailed record of tax etc.
Super Computers
Super computers are computers with biggest capacity & highest working speed among all the categories of computers. It has multiple CPU arranged & working parallel to each other. Super computers are used in following fields –
  • In the mapping of human genome.
  • The modeling mapping nuclear fission and other complex process .
  • In weather for casting.
  • In other big research programmer’s.
  • In space research and space exploration.
Super computers are the costliest computers developed by C-DAC in India are ‘PARAM’. The developed version of ‘PARAM’ has also been introduced, known as “PARAM-10000”.
            Other examples of super computer include Cray -2, Cray XMP -24, Cray T3 E and NEC -500
Embedded Computers         
An Embedded computer is a special purposes computer system designed to perform a dedicated function.
Embedded systems range from portable devices such as digital watches & MP3 players, to large stationary installations like traffic lights, Factory Controllers or the system controlling nuclear power plants. In terms of complexity embedded system run from simple, with a single microcontroller chip.

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