Friday, February 12, 2021


The Generation of computer are as follows-
(1)               First Generation           [1946 -1956]
(2)               Second Generation      [1956 -1964]
(3)               Third Generation         [1964 -1971]
(4)               Fourth Generation        [1971- Present])
(5)               Fifth Generation          [Present & future ]

First Generation

During the Second World War, Computers with electronics valves (Vacuum tubes) were built. The speed of this computer measured in mille seconds. The size of computers was very big failure rate very high & reliability was very low. I had no limited & only machine language could be used.

Second Generation

The second generation of computer was based Transistors and were developed in 1956-1964.The speed of this computer was measured in micro seconds .The size of computer was very large, Failure rate very high and reliability was low. The languages used were FORTRAN & COBOL Internal storage was limited.

Third Generation

The Third Generation of computer was developed in 1964-1971 and was built using I.C.(Integrated circuits). Its speed was measured in nanoseconds. The size of computer was medium failure rate was low & reliability was very high. Internal storage was good.

Fourth Generation

The Forth Generation of computers was developed in 1971 to outwards and was built using LSIC (Large Scale Integrated Circuits). The speed of this computer measured in picoseconds. The size of computer was small, failure rate was very low, and reliability was very high. Internal storage was high.

Fifth Generation

Fifth generation of computers includes advanced computer technology of present time and upcoming computers. Today’s computers are so advanced that they can even work almost with in every specialized area whether accounting, engineering, architecture, researches, medicines etc.
    In the beginning of the generation, computers were interconnected to share data and information with each other. New ULSIC-Ultra Large Scale Integrated circuits aw replacing VLSIC chips. The size of computers are also minimizing day by day. We can see, watch-sized computers are available in market today. Using portable computers and Internet, we can exchange information, documents and even money beyond the boundaries.
Personal computers are also known as home computers any Micro-Computer that is used for personal causes or for small purposes like word processing, Accounting and running general Applications.
Personal computer are normally operated by one user at word-processing, Internet browsing, multimedia playback. Computer game play, computer programming etc.
Uses of Personal Computer
Personal computers are normally operated by one user at one time to perform general purpose tasks such as word processing. Internet browsing, Internet faxing, email and other digital messaging, multimedia playbook, computer game play, computer programming etc.
Components of Personal Computer
There are mainly two types of components in personal Computer-

  • Basic  Components
  • Optional Components

Basic components are follows-

1. Keyboard
2. System Unit
3. Monitor

Optional components are follows-

1. Printer
2. Scanner
3. Joystick
4. Light pen etc.

Types of Personal Computer
Personal computers are mainly three types.
  • Desktop
  • Laptop
  • Palmtop

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